
Parallel finite element method for 2D unsteady seepage flows

  • 摘要: 建立了二维非恒定渗流的有限元并行计算模型,在windows操作系统下实现了基于消息传递的二维渗流的有限元并行计算。模型采用广义极小残余算法(GMRES)对方程组进行并行迭代求解,通过分析数据执行时的相关性和检验算法结构的固有串行性,将原有串行算法中的算法元直接并行化。对溪洛渡上游围堰的渗流分析进行了并行数值模拟,并针对水位骤降情况下非恒定渗流进行了并行计算,证明了模型的合理性。对模型进行了加速比测定,可以看出并行计算的效率随着问题规模的增加而逐渐提高。


    Abstract: The parallel groundwater model for 2D unsteady seepage flow with finite element method is established. The message passing interface is applied to simulate saturated unsaturated seepage flow on Windows NT. To solve the el iptic differential equation,the implicit numerical scheme is applied and a parallel generalized minimal residual algorithm is used to solve the large sparse linear system. In order to improve the performance of the parallel program,multiple techniques are used,such as load balance,communication improvement and global operations. To verify the model,the seepage flows through the coffer dam of Xiluodu hydropower station and two kinds of unsteady seepage flows are simulated The results obtained are reasonable. In the end,the speedup of the parallel comput ing model is evaluated. It can be seen that bet er parallel performance is achieved as the computat ional scale increases.


