
Discussion about atmospheric hydrology

  • 摘要: 大气中水分的生成、活动关联降水预报、旱涝防治、保护和改善生态环境等方面.气象学的各个分支中没有统一的理论框架.从"地球的水科学"角度看,它也缺少"大气水"分支.建议建立"大气水分学"这个科学分支以填补这个空白.大气水文学就是研究大气中水分的存在、运动、变化、作用和利用的知识体系.


    Abstract: Knowledge of atmospheric water vapor are related to many aspects such as rainstorm forecast,preventing and managing of droughts and floods,protecting and improving of ecology and environment and so on.Now these knowledge are scattered in every branch of meteorology,and there is not theory framework about atmospheric water.From the viewpoint of earth water science,the branch of atmosphere water is short of.We suggest that a branch of atmospheric hydrology should be established to fill the theory gap.Atmospheric hydrology is knowledge systems on researching exist,motion,change,effect and utilize of atmospheric water.


