
About strategic framework for Dujiangyan water resources sustainable development

  • 摘要: 公元前256年建立的四川都江堰水利枢纽工程是世界历史上至今仍在发挥巨大作用的最古老的水利工程之一.但是随着工程基础设施的老化,生态环境的恶化,周边地区工农业的过度开发,原有的传统水利发展模式已经不能适应都江堰灌区当前和未来的发展需求.因此,提出了一个以可持续发展思想为指导的、有明确发展目标、有总体发展构架的、又能对其进行实施评估的都江堰水利发展战略框架以及与之相适应的实施对策.用以推动都江堰灌区水利可持续发展的进程.


    Abstract: Dujiangyan Water Resources project,constructed in 256 B.C,is one of the oldest water resources projects which are still functional in the world.Recently,due to lack of maintenance of project's infrastructure,deterioration of the ecological environment and excessive industrial and agricultural expansions in its surrounding areas,the existing traditional water resources development model can no longer be able to adapt to the current and future demands of Dujiangyan irrigation area.Therefore,under the guidance of sustainable development principles and with a clear objective and a complete framework in mind,a new strategic framework for Dujiangyan water resources development is presented,together with its associated enforcement measures and an evaluation system,to push Dujiangyan Irrigation Area's progress toward sustainable development.


