
On concepts of ecological water demand

  • 摘要: 从生态系统水分循环的角度,较系统地探讨了生态需水的理论内涵,对生态系统水资源配置中相关且容易混淆的概念加以辨析,并分析了它们之间的相互关系.研究认为:生态缺水是生态系统水资源配置最直接的依据,而生态需水、生态储水的计算评价则是确定生态缺水的基础.通常,生态系统的水资源配置,必须在区域生态调查的基础上,结合社会经济发展状况,提出生态目标,然后进行生态需水估算、生态储水评价、生态缺水评估,并通过生态用水的可行性分析,最终确定生态保护和建设的水资源配置方案.


    Abstract: With the increasing awareness of the importance of ecological and environmental protection,the concept of ecological water demand has been disputed among numbers of researchers mainly from the field of ecology,hydrology and water resources.In this paper,the concepts related to different aspects of the ecological water protection are discussed,including ecological water demand,the existing ecological water,the ecological water use,the ecological water shortage,the ecological eater consumed and ecological water returned.Two general relationships between the concepts are also described.It is noted that the concept ecological water demand is proposed for the ecological protection or rehabilitation as well as water resources development and utilization.While the ecological water shortage must be the most direct factor for water resources allocation if we take into account the ecosystem and environment health.The ecological water shortage can be determined based on the estimation of ecological water demand and the assessment of existed ecological water,and may be the base of ecological water use.The procedure of water resources allocation for the ecosystem is as follows.At first,the ecological object must be defined rationally according to the field investigation.Then the ecological water demand,existing ecological water can be estimated,and the ecological water shortage can be obtained.Based on the ecological water shortage and the feasibility of ecological water use,the schemes of ecological water allocation can be settled.


