
Research on the behavior of obstructed round buoyant vertical jets in static ambient, 2, analysis on the behavior of flow field

  • 摘要: 在数值计算成果的基础上,对阻力圆盘浮力射流的流场进行了分析和总结,基于轴线流速的变化规律将盘后流场分为3个区域:回流区、过渡区和自相似区.得到了回流区的长度随弗劳德数F0、孔口直径D/d以及盘离孔口的距离H/d的变化规律,并得到了工况为H/D=1,D/d=2,6和H/D=3,D/d=2在不同弗劳德数F0条件下的横截面上的流速分布和达到自相似区的最小长度;结果表明弗劳德数F0的大小是决定绕流流态的主要因素;同时分析了由正常绕流发展到非正常绕流的压力场变化,发现由于弗劳德数F0的增大而导致流场中出现的第三个负压中心的大小和位置与绕流是否能正常发生存在密切的关系.


    Abstract: Based on a series of numerical calculations,the behavior of flow field in obstruct ed round buoyant vertical jet is summarized and analyzed.Based on the axial line velocity distribution,the flow after the disc can be divided into three regions:i e recirculation region,transitional region and self similar region.The laws of the length of recirculation region varying with Froude number F0,port diameter D/d and the distance H/d of the disc from the port are got.The velocity distribution charts in cross sections and the least length from the disc needed for reaching self similar area in different Froude number under three different conditions of H/D=1,D/d=2,6 and H/D=3,D/d=2 are also obtained.And it is found that Froude number is the key factor to decide which flowing pattern in the field.The pressure distribution changing in the flow area for three kinds of flow patterns is analyzed and it is found that the magnitude and location of the third negative pressure center caused by the increase of Froude number are closely related to flow patterns.


