
Water quality evaluation based on fuzzy artificial neural network

  • 摘要: 人工神经网络和模糊识别理论作为模拟生物体的信息处理系统,在实践中得到广泛的应用,且各有所长,将二者相结合,构造出模糊人工神经识别网络,从而使识别系统的柔性处理能力得到很大提高.阐述了模型和方法,将其用于长江支流沱江枯水期的水质综合评价,结果表明,模糊人工神经网络综合评价具有客观性和实用性.


    Abstract: The artificial neural network(ANN) and the fuzzy recognition(FR) are all information process systems to simulate biological mechanism.And the two theories are widely applied to many fields currently.Taking each strong point into consideration,this paper proposes a fuzzy artificial neural network recognition model(FANNR) combining ANN and FR; thereby,the flexible recognition ability of the network is enhanced.Finally,the model is used to evaluate the water quality of the Tuo river,and the result shows that FANNR model is objective and practicable.


