
Experiments on characteristic of vertical diffusion in open-channel stratified shear flows

  • 摘要: 对直段水槽明渠剪切分层流的掺混扩散特性进行了物理模型试验研究.试验测得的断面流速、温度、紊动动能、雷诺应力等物理量,分析了分层流掺混强度和出水口附近交界面垂向热扩散系数的变化规律.结果表明掺混强度的变化规律随流态和相对位置的不同均有明显差异;出水口附近交界面垂向热扩散系数Ez与掺混强度E成正比关系,而与出水密度弗劳德数Fd0成指数递增关系;提出了EzEFd0的经验函数表达式.


    Abstract: Experiments to determination the vertical diffusion in the thermally stratified shear flows in open-channel are described in this paper.The mixing intensity and the interfacial vertical thermal diffusion coefficient near the outlet are analyzed based on the experimental data.The results indicate that apparent difference exists among the running modes of the mixed intensity according to the different fluid states and the different relative positions,the vertical thermal diffusion coefficient is proportional to the mixed intensity and exponential to the outflow densimetric Froude number.The experimental formula is put forward about vertical thermal diffusion coefficient,the mixed intensity and the outflow densimetric Froude number.


