This paper analyzes the development of water quality models,especially surface water,groundwater and non-point sources models,and points out the development features of the water quality model.That is,from the experimental study to the mechanism study,from a single factor (or inorganic,large amount,non-toxic) to multi factors (or organic,trace amount,toxic),from a single media to multi-media,from a point source to the non-point source and to joint study of point and non-point sources,from steady to dynamic,from saturated zone study to aerated zone study and to the joint study of them,from small scale and scattered study (river,lake,groundwater,etc.) to large scale integrated study (whole basin),from theoretical study to practical application.The key period of transferring from water quality study to river basin management study is pointed in the paper.A river basin management model,water analysis risk management framework (WARMF),is introduced and its the characteristics are analyzed.