
Analysis of comprehensive principal factors in irrigation management level index of irrigation area

  • 摘要: 针对全国大型灌区续建配套与节水改造项目,提出了用于评价灌区灌溉管理质量的8个指标,应用因子分析原理建立了灌区灌溉管理质量评价的综合指标——综合因子,对样本灌区灌溉管理质量的综合因子进行的正态性检验结果表明它服从正态分布,在此基础上提出了相应的评价标准。应用结果表明,灌区灌溉管理质量的综合因子及其评价标准能较全面地反映灌溉管理状况、较好地描述灌区灌溉管理水平,具有实用性、可操作性和推广价值。


    Abstract: This article brings forward 8 indexes for evaluating the irrigation management level of the irrigation area,aiming at the country-wide large irrigation area's continued allocation facilities construction and the water saving reform project.We adopt the principle of the factor analysis system to build up the comprehensive index for evaluating irrigation management level of irrigation area-comprehensive factor,with which the result shows it obeys the normal distribution,and brings forward the relevant standards on this basis.The result shows that it can reflect thoroughly the performance of the irrigation management and picture the level of irrigation management.It has the practical,maneuverable and popularization value.


