
Study on the river water environment capacity by geographic information model method: An example from Guilin Section of Lijiang River

  • 摘要: 运用地理信息建模的方法,对复杂的岩溶山区河流——漓江桂林市区段的水环境容量进行了研究,探讨了地理信息建模方法在水环境容量计算方面的应用,建立了漓江桂林市区段水环境容量的地理信息模型,并对其进行了验证。结果表明:地理信息模型方法在计算较复杂河段水环境容量时,既简便又能取得较理想的计算结果。


    Abstract: The mathematical analysis method can't be applied to deal with the complexity of the geography and the mathematical statistics method and to analyze the cause of the formation in establishing a water enviroment capacity model in a complex river.The geographic information model (GIM) is a better method to complex geography and a model that combines the inevitability with the chanciness of the geographic phenomena.In this paper,the water enviroment capacity (WEC) of Guilin section of Lijiang River,a complex karst,is studied by using GIM,the application of the GIM to water environment capacity calculation is discussed,and a GIM model is established and is validated.The result shows that the GIM method is a simple calculating method and can reach a perfect result when it is applied to calculate the WEC in a complex section of a river.


