
Optimization of lateral inlet/outlet with horizontal bend in pumped storage power station

  • 摘要: 抽水蓄能电站工程受地形影响引水隧洞存在水平转角,导致出流工况进/出水口各流道流量差异较大。本文以某工程中带水平弯段转角为29.7°的侧式进/出水口为研究对象,基于三维数值模拟分析弯段中迪恩涡结构的演变规律,探讨2种解决侧式进/出水口偏流问题的措施。结果表明:①迪恩涡导致隧洞断面主流呈“月牙形”分布,弯段内侧出现低流速区,导致隧洞流速分布不均。②减少隧洞转弯半径、增加导流板可以减少隧洞段偏流侧的流速、缓解流速分布的不均匀度,但导致偏流侧中间流道的流量增大;在此基础上中墩前移可均衡各流道流量,实现进/出水口流量的均匀分配,但以上联合措施会增加额外的水头损失。③偏转隧洞轴线使隧洞顶部和底部产生迪恩涡,抵消原断面中心迪恩涡的影响,显著改善了隧洞流速分布的不均匀性,实现进/出水口流量的均衡。研究成果对带弯段的侧式进/出水口设计具有指导意义。


    Abstract: In practical engineering of pumped storage power station, water tunnels often feature horizontal bends influenced by terrain, leading to significant flow differences between the channels at the inlet/outlet. This study focuses on a lateral inlet/outlet structure with a horizontal bend angle of 29.7°. Three-dimensional numerical simulations were used to analyze the evolution of Dean vortex structures within the bend flow. Based on the characteristics of the Dean vortex, two solutions to address the flow imbalance in the lateral inlet/outlet were proposed and discussed. The results show that the Dean vortex structure causes a "crescent-shaped" distribution of the core flow within the tunnel cross-section, with a low-velocity zone on the inner side of the bend, causing an uneven velocity distribution. Reducing the tunnel bend radius and adding guide vanes can lower the flow velocity on the bias-flow side of the tunnel and alleviate the uneven velocity distribution. However, this also increases the flow rate in the middle channel on the bias-flow side. On this basis, moving the central pier forward can balance the flow rates in each channel and achieve uniform flow distribution at the inlet and outlet. Nevertheless, these combined measures result in additional head loss. Alternatively, adjusting the tunnel axis to induce Dean vortices at the top and bottom of the tunnel counteracts the original central Dean vortex, significantly improving the uneven velocity distribution and achieving balanced flow at the inlet/outlet. The research results provide valuable guidance for the design of lateral inlet/outlet structures with horizontal bends.


