
Analysis of the characteristics and causes of the asynchronous propagation of flood and sediment peaks in the Yichang—Jianli reach of the Middle Yangtze River

  • 摘要: 洪峰沙峰异步传播会对河床演变产生重要影响,三峡水库蓄水以来,长江中游沙量更加集中于场次洪水,明确场次洪水过程的洪峰沙峰异步运动变化对深入认识水库下游河道冲淤调整尤为重要,但目前对于三峡水库蓄水前后长江中游洪峰沙峰异步特性变化及成因的认识还存在局限。本文基于长江中游宜昌—监利河段1993—2020年的实测水文资料,分析三峡水库蓄水运行前后坝下游的洪峰沙峰异步特性产生和变化的原因。结果表明:三峡水库蓄水前,宜昌—监利的场次洪水沙峰通常滞后于洪峰;三峡水库蓄水后,尤其是实施中小洪水调度期间,宜昌站沙峰滞后现象更加显著,坝下泥沙的补给效应减弱了沿程传播过程中沙峰的滞后特性。本文可为长江中下游防洪安全和优化水库运行管理等研究提供科学支撑。


    Abstract: The asynchronous propagation of flood and sediment peaks has a significant impact on riverbed evolution. Since the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, sediment in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River has become more concentrated in individual flood events. Understanding the asynchronous movement of flood and sediment peaks during these events is critical for gaining deeper insights into the scouring and deposition adjustments of downstream river channels. However, the current understanding of the changes in the asynchronous propagation of flood and sediment peaks before and after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, as well as their causes, remains limited. In this paper, the movement of flood and sediment peaks and the reasons behind their asynchronous nature before and after the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir was analysed on the basis of observed hydrological data from 1993 to 2020 for the Yichang—Jianli reach of the Middle Yangtze River. The results show that before reservoir impoundment, sediment peaks in the Yichang—Jianli reach typically lagged behind flood peaks. After impoundment, this lag became more pronounced in Yichang station especially during the regulation of small and medium floods. As the sediment-replenishing effect downstream of the dam weakened the downstream sediment peak lag during the downstream propagation process. This study provides a scientific basis for the flood prevention safety in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and operation and management of the Three Gorges Reservoir.


