Analysis of pan evaporation characteristics over land and water surfaces in the Three Gorges Reservoir area
摘要: 三峡水库是中国最大的人工水资源调蓄中心, 其库区蒸发深刻影响着地表生态水文过程, 研究三峡库区漂浮水面蒸发和陆上水面蒸发变化差异及其原因, 对于理解区域水文循环和气候变化具有重要意义。基于三峡库区巴东水面漂浮站和相邻陆面站的多年蒸发观测资料, 分析库区水陆水面蒸发的季节差异; 结合ERA5辐射资料, 分析水陆水面蒸发能量平衡的各组分季节变化特征, 探究水陆水面蒸发差异的主控因子。结果表明: ①水陆水面蒸发存在显著的季节变化差异, 其中陆面站水面蒸发峰值通常出现在8月, 而漂浮站水面蒸发峰值通常出现在12月; ②能量平衡分析表明, 三峡库区水体在夏半年蓄热, 在冬半年则释放热量显著增加表层水体可利用能量, 进而增加潜热效能, 导致漂浮站蒸发峰值出现的时间较陆面站平均滞后约4个月; ③主控因素分析表明, 水陆水面蒸发及热力性质差异受多种微气象因素非线性综合影响, 其中在水体蓄热阶段(3—9月), 主控因素为气温和饱和水汽压, 在水体放热阶段(10月至翌年2月), 主控因素为水温和水气温差。Abstract: The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) is the largest artificial water resources regulation and storage center in China. Thereby the evaporation in the reservoir area has profound impact on the regional eco-hydrological process. Analysis on the differences of pan evaporation characteristics between water surface and land surface is of great importance for understanding regional hydrological circulation and climate change. This work applied observations from both floating site and land site in Badong hydrometeorological station and the radiation data from ERA5 dataset, found the difference of seasonality characteristic of pan evaporation and energy budget between water surface and land surface, and preliminarily analyzed the reasons on the differences. The main results are as follows : ① Significant difference of seasonal pan evaporation characteristics was detected between water surface and land surface, with high peak appeared in August over land surface while appeared in December over water surface; ② The energy budget analysis indicating TGR area generally accumulated heat during summer season while released heat and significantly increased available energy in water during winter season, which resulted peak value appeared four months later in water site than that of the land site; ③ The controlling factors analysis indicated that the difference of evaporation and thermal characteristics was controlled by nonlinear comprehensive influences from multi micrometeorological factors, which was dominated by air temperature and saturated water pressure deficit during accumulating heat period (March to September), while by water temperature and temperature difference between air temperature and water temperature during releasing heat period (October to February of next year).