中国城市洪涝问题: 现状、成因与挑战

Urban flooding in China: current status, causes and challenges

  • 摘要: 全球气候变化和快速城市化双重影响下, 中国城市洪涝问题日益严重, 已成为影响中国城市公共安全与区域高质量发展的突出瓶颈。本文基于文献资料、灾情数据、统计年鉴等, 梳理了中国城市洪涝类型与灾害特点, 总结了城市洪涝的基本现状与发展趋势, 阐释了城市洪涝形成机制与灾害成因, 分析了城市降水变化、产汇流特性变化、排水格局变化及规划与管理对城市洪涝的影响; 为科学认识中国城市洪涝问题和实现变化环境下城市洪涝科学治理, 从基础数据监测与信息共享、基础理论与机理研究、成因驱动与量化识别、城市洪涝预警预报与风险评估技术以及城市洪涝灾害管理等6个方面, 指出了当前研究面临的主要挑战与未来研究的重点方向。


    Abstract: Urban flooding has become an extremely serious disaster in China due to global climate change and rapid urbanization, resulting in a prominent bottleneck that affects urban public safety and high-quality development. This paper provides an overview of the types and characteristics of urban floods, based on existing literature, disaster records, and statistical yearbooks. It also summarizes the current status and development trends of urban flooding in China. Moreover, this review discusses the main causes of urban flooding in China from multidisciplinary perspectives, including the changes in precipitation patterns, rainfall-runoff relationships, drainage networks, and urban planning and management. Finally, this work describes the primary challenges and potential future developments related to urban flooding. It is necessary to focus on the theoretical and practical exploration of data monitoring and information sharing, theoretical analysis and mechanism research, cause-driven and quantitative identification, early warning and forecasting, risk assessment and management for urban flooding in the future, which can provide the support to improve urban disaster prevention and mitigation, as well as the integrated management of urban flooding in a changing environment.


