Erosion evolution and prediction of silty clay with finite thickness on reservoir bank
摘要: 土体冲蚀流失是塌岸发展和库岸再造的重要诱发因素。为准确预测水流作用下岸坡土体流失进程, 自主研制了能够实时精确量测土样质量变化的新型冲蚀试验装置, 开展三峡库岸粉质黏土冲刷起动和冲蚀进程试验, 分析有限厚度土体冲蚀演化规律和影响机制, 并建立预测模型。结果表明: 有限厚度土体的总冲蚀量随时间增加但增速逐渐趋缓, 冲蚀速率逐渐衰减, 且冲蚀速率及其衰减程度均与孔隙比或流速成正比; 将反映密实度的孔隙比和反映剪切力的水流速度嵌入预测模型能较好地拟合粉质黏土冲蚀演化进程曲线。建立的有限厚度土体冲蚀进程预测模型, 为水流冲刷作用下岸坡形态变化趋势预测研究提供参考。Abstract: Soil erosion and particles loss are important factors for the development of collapse on river bank and changes in river morphology. In order to understand and predict the process of soil particles loss on river bank due to water flow, a new soil erosion test apparatus is developed that can accurately measure the quality change in soil samples in real time. Erosional tests are carried out to detect the initiation and development of erosion on a silty clay with finite thickness obtained from the bank of the Three Gorges Reservoir. A model is developed to capture the evolution of erosion and the mechanism of the erosion process. The results show that the total amount of erosion on finite thickness soils increases with time, but the erosion rate gradually decreases with time and approaches a limiting value. The rate of erosion is proportional to the void ratio, or density, of the soil and the flow velocity. The void ratio and flow velocity are incorporated in the model, reflecting the erodibility of soil and the shear forces applied on the soil's surface, which captures the evolutional process of erosion of the silty clay. The model calculates the erosion on the finite thickness soils which can be used as a reference in determining the changes in reservoir bank morphology under the action of water flow.