
Impact of Xiaolangdi Reservoir operations on flow resistance in the Lower Yellow River

  • 摘要: 小浪底水库运用后, 黄河下游河床冲刷粗化严重、水流阻力变化十分明显。为定量描述小浪底水库运用对水流阻力的影响, 基于黄河下游水文站流速、河宽、床沙粒径、曼宁系数等实测数据分析, 结合床面形态控制数理论及实测床面形态资料, 建立了包含床面形态因子的动床阻力计算公式, 计算精度得到了黄河下游水文站1 508组实测数据的验证。分析计算表明: 黄河下游床沙粒径上段粗、下段细的特征更加突出, 高村以上游荡型河段沙垄发育、动床阻力增加明显; 高村以下河段, 河床冲刷粗化程度明显减少, 动床阻力变化相对较小, 但河槽断面趋于窄深, 洪水期岸壁阻力增大明显。小浪底水库运用促进了黄河下游床面形态的发育, 增大了各河段的水流阻力。


    Abstract: Since the Xiaolangdi Reservoir (XLD) operation, bed materials coarsening and changes in flow resistance have been occurring substantially in the Lower Yellow River (LYR).Thus, to quantitatively describe the effects of XLD on flow resistance in the LYR, the varying characteristics of flow velocity, river width, bed material particle diameter and Manning's coefficient were analyzed using measured data from the hydrological stations.A movable bed resistance formula incorporating the bedform index was developed based on control factor theory and measured bedform data.The accuracy of the formula was verified using 1 508 data sets measured at the hydrological stations.The results highlight that, first, the bed material is coarser in the upper reaches and finer in the lower reaches of LYR.More developed dunes and higher flow resistance occurred in the wandering reach.Second, in reaches downstream of Gaocun, the bed coarsening and flow resistance reduction are less pronounced than in the wandering reach.The cross-section of the main channel is narrower and deeper, increasing wall resistance obviously during flood periods.XLD operation has facilitated bedforms development and increased flow resistance in the LYR.


