
Temporal clear-water scour evolution at rock weirs

  • 摘要: 堆石矮堰是常用的"生态友好型"河道整治建筑物。水流经过堆石矮堰会在其周围产生冲刷, 威胁其结构安全。为了提高堆石矮堰清水冲刷尺度的预测精度, 基于室内水槽试验研究了堆石矮堰清水冲刷的历时发展特性, 分析了水流强度、矮堰淹没度和矮堰透水性对冲刷尺度发展过程的影响。结果表明: 清水冲刷条件下, 堆石矮堰下游冲刷坑在试验初期发展迅速, 随后逐渐变缓; 在冲刷发展的任一时刻, 冲刷深度和冲刷长度随水流强度的增大而增加, 随矮堰淹没度的增大而减少, 矮堰透水性的增大使冲刷长度增加, 使冲刷深度减少; 随着冲刷的发展, 冲刷坑纵剖面形态逐渐收敛, 其面积与冲刷深度和冲刷长度的乘积线性正相关。基于理论分析和试验数据, 提出了堆石矮堰历时清水冲刷深度、长度、体积的计算公式, 可用于指导堆石矮堰冲刷设计。


    Abstract: Rock weirs are commonly used eco-friendly river training structures. However, water flow over rock weirs can cause local scour, resulting in structural failure. To improve the prediction accuracy of scour dimensions at rock weirs, flume tests were conducted to study the clear-water scouring process at rock weirs. Additionally, the effects of flow intensity, submergence, and weir permeability on scour development were analyzed. The results reveal that for clear-water scour, the scour hole develops fast initially before progressively slowing down. At a specific time, the clear-water scour depth and length increase with increasing flow intensity and decrease with increasing flow submergence. The increase in weir permeability increases the scour length but decreases the scour depth. Moreover, as scour develops, the scour hole profile converges gradually, and its area is linearly and positively correlated with the product of the scour depth and length. Based on the experimental data and theoretical analyses, predictors for calculating the temporal clear-water scour depth, length, and volume at rock weirs are proposed for designing purposes.


