In order to improve the calculation accuracy of flow exchange between groundwater and surface water, a method that integrates the hydraulic connection and hydraulic head difference between groundwater and surface water, water temperature, Radon-222 and stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes (HHTRO) was proposed and successfully applied to quantify the flow exchanges between groundwater and surface water in the Suzhou section of the Xinbian River. The study results showed the recharge from surface water to groundwater varied from 8.69 to 366.82 m
3/(d·m) per unit river length and the discharge from groundwater to surface water varied from 0.72 to 120.90 m
3/(d·m). The discharge from groundwater to surface water was predominantly on the left bank with a net discharge of around 45.26 m
3/(d·m) and the recharge from stream to groundwater was mostly on the right bank with a net recharge of approximately 214.33 m
3/(d·m). Overall, the flow exchange between surface water and groundwater in this river section was dominated by the recharge from surface water to groundwater with a replenishing ratio of 55.14% for groundwater. This method would not only improve the accuracy for estimating the flow exchange between groundwater and surface water provide necessary theoretical support for water resources development in river basins.