
Study on the dynamic allocation mechanism of water resources in the Yellow River basin considering runoff, sediment and ecosystem

  • 摘要: 黄河"八七"分水方案已实施30余年,亟需动态调整分水方案以适应变化的水沙条件和用水格局。为在变化水沙条件下科学配置水资源,以黄河流域为研究对象,提出"保存量、分增量"的动态配置思路,在优先满足河流和近海生态需水的基础上,根据变化来水来沙塑造高效输沙洪水减少河道内分水指标,兼顾公平和效率将河道内节省的水量作为增量配置给沿黄省(区)。配置结果显示:黄河下游来沙4.00亿~5.00亿t时,采用高效输沙方法黄河河道内分水指标减少5.07亿~24.24亿m3,上游省(区)分水指标增加;动态配置方案体现了生态优先原则,保障沿黄省(区)分水指标不低于现行指标,并增加部分省(区)分水指标。研究成果为多沙河流动态配置水资源提供了科学方法,为"八七"分水方案调整提供了参考。


    Abstract: The 1987 Water Allocation Scheme has been in effect in the Yellow River basin for more than 30 years. This scheme needs to be adjusted dynamically to suit changing flow, sediment, and water use patterns. In order to allocate water resources scientifically in a changing environment, this paper develops a dynamic water allocation idea: "keeping the stock and allocating the increment", taking the Yellow River basin as the study area. This method involves first seeing to the water needs of the river habitat and the coastal waters. Then hyperconcentrated floods are created according to the dynamic sediment condition to cut down the amount of water needed to transport sediment. The water saved instream is regarded as the increment of off-stream water allocation. The increment is allocated to provinces along the Yellow River with consideration of both equilibrium and efficiency. Results show that the instream water allocation decreases 0.507-2.424 billion m3 though the highly efficient sediment transport method when the amount of sediment coming into the downstream area is 0.400-0.500 billion t. The increment of off-stream water allocation is mainly allocated to provinces in the upstream area. The dynamic water allocation method gives first priority to the environmant and natural habitats and ensures that the adjusted water allocation to each province is no less that the current amount. This paper provides a scientific method for sandy rivers to allocate water dynamically and provides a reference to the adjustment of the 1987 Water Allocation Scheme.


