
A review of hydrological regulation functions of watershed wetlands

  • 摘要: 湿地是流域水循环和水量平衡的重要调节器,在维护流域水量平衡、减轻洪旱灾害和应对气候变化等方面发挥极其重要的作用。流域湿地水文调蓄功能是湿地生态水文学研究的重要内容,科学认识和理解流域湿地水文调蓄功能对流域湿地恢复保护、水资源综合管控与应对气候变化具有极其重要的意义。本文阐述了流域湿地水文调蓄功能的概念与内涵,剖析了流域湿地水文调蓄功能时空变异性、阈值性和多维性三大特征及其影响因素(包括湿地土壤特性、植被特征和初始水文条件等内在因素和流域特征、降雨特征、气候变化和人类活动等外在因素),探讨了流域湿地不变情景下和变化情景下水文调蓄功能评估方法,并介绍了流域湿地水文调蓄功能定量评估模型与应用情况。最后,从学科发展和实践需求的视角提出了流域湿地水文调蓄功能未来亟需加强研究的重点方向。


    Abstract: Wetlands play an important role in watershed hydrological processes that underlie a range of potential ecosystem services. A solid understanding of watershed hydrological regulation functions provided by wetlands, i.e., supporting watershed water balance, attenuating flood and drought risks, and mitigating climate change, is extremely meaningful for reaching sustainable wetland and water resources management. This paper provides a thorough review of the hydrological regulation functions of watershed wetlands. It addresses the definition and connotation of hydrological regulation functions of watershed wetlands as well as their three principal characteristics, namely spatiotemporal variation, threshold effects, and multidimensional nature. The internal driving factors of the functions include soil properties, vegetation characteristics and initial hydrological conditions, and the external factors are watershed characteristics, rainfall patterns, climate change, and anthropogenic activities. The methodology and available hydrological models for quantifying hydrological regulation functions of watershed wetlands are systematically summarized and discussed. Finally, considering discipline development and manage requirements of ecohydrology theory, we highlight specific research gaps and barriers that need to be filled in hydrological regulation functions of watershed wetlands.


