
Effects of hydropower development on aquatic eco-environment and adaptive managements

  • 摘要: 围绕水电工程的水生态环境问题,重点梳理了水库运行下关键生源要素生物地球化学循环的变化及其水生态效应、底栖动物生境和鱼类生境以及鱼类洄游通道的影响、水生态环境保护工程与非工程措施等方面的研究进展,剖析了当前科学研究和工程应用中存在的难题,从理论、方法与技术角度阐明了出现这些难题的原因。提出了水电开发水生态环境保护未来需要重点开展的研究:长期系统性观测,揭示库内生源要素的滞留-转化-输送过程与机制及水生态环境累积效应;水库调控导致的鱼类性腺发育有效积温和产卵临界水温节律变化以及两者对鱼类种群繁衍的联合作用。最后特别指出当前针对鱼类保护的部分强制性措施存在的问题,并提出了高坝多环境因子调控的生态调度和支流生境替代等鱼类保护技术以及保护效果量化评价新方法。


    Abstract: Eco-environmental conservation has been a long challenge and even bottleneck for sustainable hydropower development. This study comprehensively reviewed the advances of researches on river damming impacts on biogeochemical cycling and thereby the aquatic eco-environment effects, zoobenthos habitat, fish habitat and migration routes, as well as structure and non-structure conservation measures. It analyzed the current challenges in fundamental researches and engineering applications as well as the underlying reasons, and highlighted the core aspects for future investigations. These include:① Long-term in-situ monitoring to discover the interception, transformation and transport processes of biogenic elements, and reveal the associated mechanism as well as the accumulated eco-environmental impacts; ② Reservoir induced changes in effective accumulated temperature regime for fish gonadal development and critical temperature regime for fish spawning, and consequently their joint effects on fish reproduction. In particular, the study pointed out the irrationality of some mandatory measures for indigenous fish conservation at present, and proposed the options such as ecological flow and tributary habitat compensation for high dams, and finally it provided some novel technologies to quantitatively assess the efficiency of conservation measures.


