
Advances in flood risk identification and dynamic modelling based on remote sensing spatial information

  • 摘要: 对地观测卫星遥感能够提供广泛可靠的空间信息,是洪水风险识别与动态模拟的重要支撑技术之一。为阐明卫星遥感技术对洪水研究的推动作用,回顾了洪水风险识别与动态模拟研究的发展历程及技术需求,以对地观测卫星遥感三大阶段的发展轨迹为主线,分析了遥感空间信息在洪水研究中的历史性贡献和阶段性效用,讨论总结了危险分区法、水文模型和微波遥感监测等3种洪水研究典型方法的应用进展。提出未来洪水风险识别与动态模拟研究的重点:遥感空间信息与模型算法的深度结合,遥感反演算法与系统的开发及应用,典型洪水研究方法集成系统的开发与应用,大数据方法与手段的应用。以期为提升洪水应急响应能力与灾害风险管理水平提供有效参考。


    Abstract: Earth observation satellite remote sensing can provide reliable wide-ranging spatial information and is believed as one of the key technologies for flood risk identification and dynamic modelling. Aiming at illustrating how satellite remote sensing technology promotes flood studies, this paper reviewed the development and technical demands of flood risk identification and dynamic modelling research and analyzed the historical contribution and periodic utility of spatial remote sensing information in flood studies based on the 3-stage evolution trajectory of earth observation satellite remote sensing. Application progresses in 3 typical methods in flood studies, which are risk zoning, hydrological modelling and microwave remote sensing monitoring, respectively, have been discussed and summarized. Focuses of the future research on flood risk identification and dynamic modelling have also been pointed out, including the integration of remote sensing spatial information and model algorithms, the development and application of remote sensing algorithms and systems, the development and application of an integrated system for typical methods and the application of big data methodology and technology, in expectation of providing valuable references for improving the response capacity and risk management level of flood disasters.


