
Effects of water level fluctuation on the potential habitat area of Vallisneria natans in Poyang Lake

  • 摘要: 苦草是鄱阳湖越冬水鸟的重要食物资源,为量化水位变化对鄱阳湖苦草生境的影响,基于环境流体动力学模型(EFDC)和生境适宜度曲线,构建了鄱阳湖苦草生境数值模拟模型;对三峡水库175 m试验性蓄水后鄱阳湖苦草潜在生境面积变化进行了连续模拟,建立了苦草潜在适宜生境和水深≤4 m水域面积变化与星子站水位的定量响应函数;并据此分析了三峡水库运用及拟建鄱阳湖水利枢纽对苦草潜在生境面积的影响。星子站水位15 m左右时苦草潜在生境面积最大,潜在适宜生境和水深≤4 m水域面积分别为1 703 km2和2 336 km2。三峡水库运用可有效保障鄱阳湖苦草潜在生境面积,但其扰动幅度也明显减小,潜在适宜生境和水深≤4 m水域面积序列标准差在三峡运用后减幅分别达到27%和47%。拟建鄱阳湖水利枢纽调控水位在其下闸蓄水期和长江上游水库蓄水调节期内宜分别控制在16 m以下和13.5 m以上,可保障潜在适宜生境及水深≤4 m水域面积与最大值相比减幅分别控制在20%和10%以内。成果明晰了水位变化对鄱阳湖苦草潜在生境面积的定量影响规律,为江湖新水沙条件下鄱阳湖生态系统保育提供了量化依据。


    Abstract: As the dominant submerged macrophytes in Poyang Lake, the winter buds of Vallisneria natans provide food for wintering waterbirds. In order to quantify the effects of water level fluctuation on the habitat area of Vallisneria natans in Poyang Lake, a numerical model was developed by integrating an EFDC hydrodynamic model and habitat suitability curves. The habitat of Vallisneria natans in Poyang Lake was continuously simulated since the 175 m impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in 2008. The quantitative response functions between potential habitat area and water level at Xingzi gauge station were developed for two habitat criteria:① suitable habitat based on suitability curves and ② regions with water depth≤4 m where Vallisneria natans can grow. It was found that potential habitat area of Vallisneria natans is maximized when the water level at Xingzi gauge station is around 15 m, producing a suitable habitat area is about 1 703 km2 and an area with water depths≤4 m is about 2 336 km2. The impacts of Three Gorges Reservoir and proposed Poyang Lake Lock on the potential habitat area of Vallisneria natans were analyzed. The operation of Three Gorges Reservoir could prevent habitat area getting too small, which could guarantee habitat stability. However, the fluctuation of habitat area decreases significantly, with standard deviations of habitat area declining 27% and 47% for potential suitable habitat and regions with water depth≤4 m respectively compared to its pre-operation. For the proposed Poyang Lake lock, in order to decrease its negetive effect on Vallisneria natans habitat, the recommended operation water level during its refill period should be lower than 16 m, and the water level during the refill period of Three Gorges Reservoir should be higher than 13.5 m. This operation results in a reduction in suitable habitat area by less than 20% from the maximum (1 703 km2), and in a reduction in the area of regions with water depth≤4 m less than 10% from the maximum(2 336 km2). The quantitative influence of water level fluctuation on the potential habitat area of Vallisneria natans in Poyang Lake has been clarified, and the quantitative basis for the conservation of Poyang Lake ecosystem under the modified regime of flow and sediment was provided.


