
Evolution and variation characteristics of the recorded runoff for the major rivers in China during 1956—2018

  • 摘要: 地表水资源是维系区域生态平衡和促进经济社会发展的制约性要素, 河川径流是地表水资源的主要形式, 二者的丰枯变化均直接影响流域水资源管理。基于江河实测径流量资料和水资源公报资料, 初步分析了1956—2018年中国主要江河实测径流量和中国十大水资源区地表水资源的变化和演变特征。结果表明:①除长江大通站外, 中国主要江河代表性水文站实测年径流量均呈现下降趋势。②黄河上游唐乃亥站实测年径流量为非显著性减少趋势, 黄河花园口站实测径流量呈现显著性减少趋势; 1980—2000年和2001—2018年唐乃亥站实测径流量较基准期1956—1979年分别变化1.8%和-5.9%, 而同时期花园口站实测径流量分别减少26.7%和41.0%。③地理分布上, 黄河是中国南北地区径流变化的分水岭, 黄河以南地区江河径流量为非显著性变化, 黄河以北江河径流量为显著性减少趋势, 特别是海河流域, 实测径流量减少最为显著; 21世纪以来, 黄河以北河流实测径流量较1980年之前减少幅度超过25%, 海河减幅高达80%以上。④ 1956—2018年全国地表水资源量约为27 266亿m3, 较第二次全国水资源评价结果偏少122亿m3。21世纪以来, 海河、黄河、辽河地表水资源明显减少, 进一步加重了区域水资源供需矛盾。


    Abstract: Surface water is a key natural resources and a restrictive element to maintain regional ecological balance and support development of social economy. River runoff is the main form of surface water resources. Variation of the both river runoff and surface water will directly influence water resources management of a basin. Based on the annual report series of water resources and the recorded runoff of 10 representative hydrometric stations on major rivers in China, the variations of the surface water resources of the ten water resources zones and recorded runoff of major rivers in China during 1956—2018 were investigated. The results show that:① The annual runoff gauged on major rivers during 1956—2018 shows a downward trend with exception of the Datong station on the Yangtze River. ② The recorded annual runoff of the Tangnaihai station on the upper Yellow River presented an insignificant decreasing trend while that gauged at the Huayuankou station on the Yellow River exhibited a significant decreasing trend. During 1980—2000 and 2001—2018, the recorded runoff at the Tangnaihai station changed by 1.8% and-5.9% as comparing to baseline in 1956—1979 while that of the Huayuankou station decreased by 26.7% and 41.0% respectively. ③ Geographically, the Yellow River could be treated as separation boundary of runoff variation trends from the north to the south of China in terms of significance level. Recorded annual runoff presented significant decreasing trends for rivers in the north to the Yellow River while that exhibited insignificant variation trends for rivers in its south. The recorded runoff in 2001—2018 decreased by more than 25% relative to the baseline of 1956—1979 for the northern China rivers, with the highest reduction of over-80% occurring in the Haihe River. ④ The average annual surface water resources of China during 1956—2018 was approximately 2 726.6 billion m3, which is 12.2 billion m3 less than that in the second water resources assessment conduced in 2004. Reduction of surface water in the Haihe River zone, Yellow River zone, and Liaohe River zone aggravated contradiction between water supply and water demand since the early 21st century.


