The artificial island of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is located in Lingding Sea area,the overtopping could endanger the operation of the artificial island and tunnel in storm period. The overtopping rate is important factors in the design of the artificial island. 2-D physical model tests are carried to study the influence of the different structure factors to wave overtopping,such as armour block type,berm width and elevation,armour width in front of the wall. The test results show that the armour width has significant influence on the overtopping,and the test value is obviously smaller than the calculating value of van der Meer formula when the overtopping rate is relative small. After that,a calculation formula of the average overtopping discharge rate are presented for the artificial island of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge,in which the armour width factor
Kc is involved. The calculating results show good agreement with the experimental data,and can be used in the optimization design and overtopping warning in operation of the artificial island.