
Threshold standard of erosive rainfall under different underlying surface conditions in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of East Gansu, China

  • 摘要: 根据陇东黄土高塬沟壑区典型小流域——南小河沟流域1954—2014年实测降雨产沙资料,应用降雨侵蚀力偏差系数法研究不同土地利用类型及空间尺度下侵蚀产沙的雨量阈值、雨强阈值及复合阈值标准,并通过对比分析确定了最优降雨阈值标准。结果表明:① 对于林地和草地坡面小区,其雨量阈值标准平均值(21.0 mm)较裸地(8.7 mm)和农地(9.7 mm)坡面小区分别提高了141%和116%,植被措施能够显著提高降雨阈值标准。② 杨家沟林地小流域的雨量阈值标准为16.5 mm,低于布设在该流域的林地坡面小区,同时对比董庄沟草地小流域及其坡面和全坡面小区的雨量阈值标准,其大小亦为:草地坡面尺度 > 草地全坡面尺度 > 草地小流域尺度,由此可见,降雨阈值标准会随着空间尺度增大而减小。③ 降雨阈值标准综合评价结果表明,各样点最优降雨阈值标准均为Pa或I30b这一复合因子标准,而在降雨单因子阈值标准中,对于农耕地和裸地坡面小区,宜采用最大30 min雨强(I30)标准;对于经过水土流失治理的下垫面,宜采用雨量(P)标准。该研究可为区域土壤侵蚀预报提供参考。


    Abstract: Understanding the threshold standard of erosive rainfall is the basis of water erosion prediction. Most previous studies have not fully considered the variability of different underlying surface conditions, and have not effectively combined the thresholds for rainfall amount and rainfall intensity. Based on the rainfall and sediment yield data from 1954 to 2014 for the Nanxiaohegou watershed, a typical small watershed in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of East Gansu in China, the rainfall erosivity deviation coefficient method was applied to analyze threshold standard of erosive rainfall under different land use types and spatial scales. The results of this study can be drawn as follows: ① The average rainfall amount threshold of the underlying surface with soil and water conservation treatments (forestland and grassland) increased by 141% and 116%, respectively, compared to that for bare plot (8.7 mm) and farmland plot (9.7 mm). Thus, vegetation measures can significantly improve the threshold standard of erosive rainfall; ② The erosive rainfall amount threshold of Yangjiagou small watershed was 16.5 mm, which was lower than that for the forestland slope area located in the watershed. In addition, the order of rainfall amount threshold for grassland at different spatial scales was grassland slope scale > grassland total slope scale > grassland watershed scale. These results indicated that the threshold standard of erosive rainfall decreased as spatial scale increased; ③ The best erosive rainfall threshold of each sample was the composite-factor standard: Pa or I30b. For the single-factor standard, it is advisable to apply I30 for farmland and bare land; however, the rainfall amount threshold is considered to be more suitable for the underlying surface with vegetation measures. The results of this study can provide a reference for predicting regional soil erosion in the Loess Plateau Gully Region of East Gansu.


