
Observation and analysis of diurnal water temperature variation in Xiluodu Reservoir

  • 摘要: 溪洛渡等河道型水库具有库容大且径流量大的特点,热动力过程和水温分布迥异于天然河流或湖泊。通过温度链对溪洛渡水库坝前水温进行长期高频监测,选取升温期和降温期典型时段,分析表层水温的昼夜变化和温跃层的内波现象;计算表面热交换,并分析其对水温变化的影响。结果表明:水面混合层在水面热交换的控制下周期性出现和消失;在升温期水面吸热对于变温层升温过程有重要影响;在降温期,水面失热驱动了垂向混合,入流降温形成侵入流,共同控制变温层的降温过程;温跃层中24 h周期的内波形成与出流日调节有直接因果关系。与实测数据计算的水面热通量相比,采用气象站日值数据的溪洛渡数值模型的模拟值偏小。


    Abstract: Deep run-of-the-river reservoirs, like Xiluodu Reservoir, are characterized by large storage volumes and high flow rates. The thermodynamics and temperature distributions within these reservoirs are different from natural rivers and lakes. Research on Xiluodu Reservoir was conducted based on a series of long-term and high frequency thermistor chain data from November 2016 to September 2017. Annual heating and cooling periods were differentiated and the diurnal variations in surface water temperature as well as metalimnetic internal wave phenomena were analyzed. The surface heat flux was calculated using both observed data and a constructed numerical model to investigate its influence on the change in water temperature. Results revealed that the formation of the surface mixing layer is dominated by the total surface heat flux. Surface heat flux is an important factor when considering the increase of epilimnetic water temperature during the heating period. During the cooling period, the heat loss at the surface incites vertical mixing while inflow intrudes into the stratified volume, which together govern the cooling processes in the epilimnion. Results also revealed the formation of a metalimnetic internal wave with a period of 24 hours. This suggests that internal wave formation within Xiluodu Reservoir is related to dam hydropeaking. When comparing the surface heat flux calculated from measured meteorological data and that calculated by the numerical model with daily-averaged boundary conditions, the values from the numerical model tend to be smaller.


