
Factors affecting rain garden operation based on DRAINMOD simulations

  • 摘要: 为研究雨水花园对暴雨径流水文调控效果受不同设计参数的影响,在试验研究的基础上,利用排水模型DRAINMOD分析了雨水花园长期运行效果受其蓄水层深度、汇流面积比以及降雨特征等因素的影响。模型测试结果显示,DRAINMOD可以较好地模拟雨水花园内部水文过程;长序列(1951—2007年)模拟结果发现,试验雨水花园对暴雨径流量削减率的年均值为18.5%,经介质净化的水量占雨水径流总量的76.1%;雨水花园蓄水层深度超过某一临界值后对其滞留效果没有影响;汇流面积比增大,排水量和溢流量均增大;在雨水花园内部增加30 cm反硝化作用蓄水层后,排水量下降了19.2%,雨水花园对径流量的削减率提高到33.5%。可见,增加内部蓄水层后雨水花园对水量削减和污染物浓度去除都具有积极作用。


    Abstract: Aiming to study the influence of rain garden design parameter on the hydrology effect of stormwater retention, we analyzed the long-term effect of a rain garden operation using the DRAINMOD model based on an experimental study, the factors considered include the rainfall characteristics, rain garden storage depth, runoff catchment area ratio and other design parameters. The results show that, DRAINMOD can simulate the hydrologic processes of rain garden reasonably well; the continuous simulation using the long-term meteorological data (1951-2007) showed that the average volume reduction of stormwater runoff was 18.5%; the rain garden treated runoff volume accounted for 76.1% of the annual total. There was a critical value for the rain garden storage depth, above the value, increasing the rain garden storage depth had no effect on rain garden retention capacity. Increasing the runoff catchment area ratio increased both the rain garden treatment volume and the overflow volume. Adding a 30 cm internal water storage (IWS) in the rain garden decreased the subsurface drainage by 19.2%; and increased the volume reduction to 33.5%. Rain garden with IWS may promote the volume reduction and water quality improvement, producing positive effect on urban stormwater management and non-point source pollution control.


