
Experimental investigation of different seepage effects on open-channel flow structure

  • 摘要: 关于明渠流引入渗流后的水流运动规律研究很多,但学者们的研究却存在着不同的结论。为探究不同渗流强度对明渠水流结构的影响,通过自行设计的明渠紊流水槽及渗透装置,利用PIV(Particle Image Velocity)图像采集系统及数据分析软件,测量了水流流速并分析了流速变化与相对渗流强度的关系。结果表明:水流流速并不是渗流强度的单值函数关系,随着入河渗流强度的增加,近底水流流速呈先减小后稍有增加,又继续减小的趋势;出河渗流时流速变化趋势与入河相反;出河及入河渗流都有着拐点的存在,且对应的相对渗流强度与雷诺数相关,雷诺数越大,拐点出现时对应的相对渗流强度越小。


    Abstract: Many research efforts were performed to find the seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow, from which results were often inconclusive and sometimes contradictory. A series of experimental studies are carried out to examine how seepage effects the open-channel flow structure and the velocity field is measured using the PIV image acquisition system in this study. The relationship between the flow velocity variation and the relative seepage intensity is analyzed. The results show that the velocity of water flow is not a monotonic function of relative seepage intensity. With the increase of injection intensity, the near bed current velocity decreases firstly, following by slight increase, and then decreases. With regards to the suction, the results are opposite. Measured data show an inflection value in the case of suction or injection, with the corresponding relative seepage intensity related to the Reynolds number. The larger the Reynolds number is, the smaller the relative seepage intensity occurs when the inflection value appears.


