
Analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of surface soil moisture across China based on multi-satellite observations

  • 摘要: 为了揭示中国表层土壤湿度的时空分布特征及主要影响因子,通过SMAP、SMOS、AMSR2、FY3B和FY3C 5个卫星平台的遥感信息,采用集合平均法合成了2015-2016年中国25 km、逐日表层土壤湿度信息,通过比较5套产品之间的差异来分析卫星产品的不确定性,分析了中国土壤湿度的空间和季节分布特征以及同降雨量和蒸散发量的关联。结果表明:中国表层土壤湿度呈较明显带状分布,与干湿气候带的分布基本一致,总体由西北向东南和东北增加;土壤湿度在大部分地区呈现明显季节变化,主要表现为夏高冬低,不同地区的季节变化特征有所不同;中国60%以上地区,土壤湿度受同步和前期降雨量的强控制影响;中国87.5%的地区土壤湿度和蒸散发呈显著正相关和强依存关系。


    Abstract: As a key state variable, soil moisture influences hydrological, meteorological and ecological processes. The objective of this study is to study the spatiotemporal characteristics of surface soil moisture across China using multi-satellite observations and uncover the driving forces of these characteristics. We applied an ensemble average approach to derive daily surface soil moisture with a spatial resolution of 25 km across China from 2015 to 2016 from five satellites, including SMAP, SMOS, AMSR2, FY3B, and FY3C. Uncertainty in these satellite products and their differences were further quantified by intercomparison. The spatial distribution of surface soil moisture and its connection with the spatial distribution of hydroclimatic zones were also analyzed. The correlations of soil moisture with precipitation and actual evapotranspiration were studied, too. The results show that spatial distribution of soil moisture across China corresponds well with the distribution of hydroclimatic zones:soil moisture generally increases from the northwest of China to the southeast and northeast of China. Clear seasonality appears in most areas of China with higher values in summer and lower values in winter. However, the amplitude and shape of seasonality differ in different parts of China. Temporal variabilities of soil moisture in over 60% of China are strongly controlled by the synchronous and antecedent precipitations. In over 87.5% of China, soil moisture and actual evapotranspiration show significant positive correlations and mutual dependence.


