
Analysis of National Key R&D Program of China “high-efficient development and utilization of water resource”

  • 摘要: 国家重点研发计划"水资源高效开发利用"重点专项是国家科技计划管理改革后首批启动的重点专项之一。该专项立足中国水资源安全形势和国内外科技发展现状及趋势,以提升国家水资源安全保障的科技支撑能力为目标,通过全链条创新和全景式布局,凝练了现阶段中国水资源安全领域亟需解决的重点研究任务。深入分析了"水资源高效开发利用"重点专项的总体布局、科学目标、主要任务和立项情况,剖析了2016年和2017年项目立项和申报中存在的现象和问题,讨论了下一步支持的重点任务方向,对于加强重点专项项目的立项、申报和管理,保障总体目标实现具有积极的指导作用。


    Abstract: National Key R&D Program of China "high-efficient development and utilization of water resource" is one of the first batch of programs launched in 2016 after reform of the national science and technology program management. Based on the practical situation of water resources in China and the advances of water science in domestic and overseas, improvement of scientifically supporting water resources security was targeted as the overall purposes of the program, the scientific issues and main tasks to be solved were formulated as well by innovatively designing and layout for whole chain elements. The general framework, scientific goals, main tasks, and the general information of projects application are discussed in the paper. The future advices aiming at the problems existing in the projects application in 2016 and 2017, the possible major tasks in further studies are addressed, which has an important guiding role to strengthen the program management and ensure that the overall objectives are achieved.


