
Experimental study of mean discharge of wave overtopping on vertical seawall under the condition of breaking waves

  • 摘要: 目前破碎波直立堤平均越浪量的估算值和影响因素的作用方面均存在显著差异,只有通过独立的试验校核才能使工程对这些成果的选择具有可靠依据。通过开展随机波物理模型试验,对目前代表性成果的越浪量估算值进行了系统校核,分析影响因素的作用规律以及产生估算差异的原因。结果表明:对周期和底坡坡度等主要影响因素的不同处理方式是导致现有成果间产生显著估算差异的重要原因;在现有成果中,EurOtop的估算结果普遍存在明显高估现象,而Goda(2009)对影响因素的处理方式和估算结果与本次试验的结论在总体上最为相符。


    Abstract: The comparisons show that there are significant differences between the existing research works in aspects of the estimation on the average overtopping discharge of breaking wave on vertical wall and the effect of the impact factors, that to make a reliable choice among the works for engineering application, checks based on the independent experiment become necessary. To this end, systematic checks on the results estimated by the representative works were carried out based on physical model tests of random wave, and the reasons which make the difference between the works were analyzed combined with the investigation to the regulation of the factor's effect. The experiment results that the treatment on the main impact factors, such as the period and the bottom slope ratio, is highly responsible for the marked difference between the works; EurOtop generally makes the significant overestimation, while Goda (2009) is most consistent with the conclusions of current experiment with regard to both the treatment of the impact factors and the results of estimation.


