
Research on bed-load transport formula in the Cheng-Han Reach of the middle Yangtze River

  • 摘要: 三峡水库蓄水运用后,城汉河段悬移质输沙量大幅度减少,推移质输沙量所占比重增加,造床作用日益凸显,故开展其推移质输沙率计算公式研究具有理论与实际意义。利用螺山和汉口水文站实测资料建立了推移质输沙率与流量之间的指数关系式,并据此推算了两站逐日推移质输沙率,结果表明:螺山站、汉口站输沙率均与流量的0.912 78次方成正比,多年(2009—2015年)平均推移质输沙量分别为137万t、152万t,主要集中在汛期。利用推移质实测资料对Engelund、Einstein、Yalin 3个公式进行了检验与修正,结果表明:修正前各公式计算结果比较分散,且与实测值偏差很大;修正后各公式计算精度显著提高,综合比较发现,修正后的Yalin公式精度最高,Engelund公式、指数关系式次之,Einstein公式精度相对较低。因此,修正后的Yalin公式更适合于城汉河段推移质输沙率计算,可用于该河段的演变分析与数学模型计算。


    Abstract: After the impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir, the sediment transport in the reach from Chenglingji to Wuhan of the middle Yangtze River is dominated by the bed load which plays important roles in bed morphological changes, and correspondingly the suspended load discharge is reduced significantly. In this paper, the formula of calculating the bed load transport rate in the above-mentioned reach has been studied. Based on the measured data of Luoshan and Hankou hydrology station, an exponential relationship between sediment discharge of bedload and flow discharge was established, and the transport rates of bedload at these two hydrology stations were calculated by this new relationship day by day. The result shows that the transport rates of bedload at Luoshan and Hankou hydrology station are proportional to the flow discharge with the power of 0.912 78. The multi-annual mean sediment discharges of bedload are 137×104 t and 152×104 t, respectively, which is focused in flood season. Finally, the modified Engelund, Einstein and Yalin formula based on the new relationship according to the measured data were examined. It is shown that the accuracy of each formula has been obviously improved after modification. The modified Yalin formula has the best performances; and then the modified Engelund formula; while the predictions of the modified Einstein formula were not as good as the former two. It is concluded that the modified Yalin formula is the most suitable for calculating the transport rate of bedload of Chenglingji-Wuhan reach, and can be used for the fluvial process analysis and numerical simulation of this reach.


