To explore patterns of dynamic change in a region in which severe changes to wetlands have occurred, we studied patterns of change among marshes in the Sanjiang Plain between 1954 and 2010 using remote sensing and GIS combined with Geo-information Tupu and spatial autocorrelation methods. Marsh area within the Sanjiang Plain gradually decreased between 1954 and 2010, losing around 88.7% of its total area. The number of wetland patches within the plain increased at first and then decreased slightly. The spatial clustering of marshes in the region also decreased gradually from concentrated to sporadic distribution. Additionally, analysis of the results determined that less rainfall, higher temperatures, and a decrease in runoff were main contributors to the decrease in the Sanjiang Plain marsh area. Geography and elevation also affected the degree of marsh area loss; marshes at an elevation of 20-80 m above sea level experienced the most dramatic decline. Decreases in marsh area in the Sanjiang plain also appear to be affected by agricultural development, settlement construction, wetland protection policies and the construction of reserves as well as encroaching residential areas. The degree of marsh area loss appears to increase exponentially according to distance from protected areas:the closer the marsh area is to a protected area, the greater the loss will be.