
Advances in ecological environment impacts of water trading

  • 摘要: 在经济社会发展受到区域水资源总量限制的情况下,水权交易作为解决当今世界严峻水资源危机的重要手段之一,已在国内外进行了广泛的实践。水权交易改变了水资源的时空配置,对水生态和水环境产生有利或不利的影响,然而关于水权交易对生态环境影响的研究尚未有系统的梳理。总结了水权交易对水资源系统影响研究的主要发展历程,着重论述了水权交易对水资源系统影响的4个重点研究方面:可交易生态环境水权的研究、水权交易对水量、水生态、水环境影响的研究。未来应当加强水权交易对生态环境影响的定量研究,进一步提升水权交易对水质、地下水、退水、陆生生态环境影响的研究,明确不同交易类型的不同影响,还应考虑不确定性因素的影响。


    Abstract: In the situation that social and economic development is restricted with limited water supply, water trading is one of the most effective mechanisms to solve the water resource crisis in the world. Water trading disturbs natural distribution of water resources over spatial and temporal scales, thus has both positive and negative influences on the water quality and quantity, leading to various ecological and environmental consequences. However, there are few researches on the reviews of impacts on ecological environment of water trading. In this paper we extensively reviewed large numbers of studies regarding the impacts of water trading on water resources system. Then four main research points were proposed and analyzed, i. e., tradable water and their corresponding impacts on water quality and quantity, as well as relevant aquatic ecosystems. Based on the existing research of domestic and abroad, four potential extension researches could be undertaken in the future:① the establishment of the quantitative approaches for the impacts, ② the enhancement of studies upon specific water related subjects (e. g. water quality, ground water, and return flow), ③ the illumination of multiple water trading modes and their impacts, and ④ the consideration of the inherent uncertainties of these impacts of water trading.


