Study of sediment transport by tsunami waves: Ⅴ:influence of mangrove
摘要: 近年来频发的海啸灾害造成巨大损失,而红树林具有很好的减小海啸灾害的作用。实验采用PVC圆管来概化模拟红树林,以无黏性沙堆砌而成1/10~1/20组合坡概化岸滩,选取孤立波模拟海啸波。实验结果表明,红树林的存在对岸滩剖面变化产生了较大影响,适当增加植物分布密度,并优化植物的分布方式,可有效减小海啸波对岸滩的冲刷危害。在本次实验条件下,得到了岸滩冲刷坑尺度、淤积沙坝尺度、最大冲刷深度、最大淤积高度与红树林的分布方式和密度、海啸波波高、泥沙比重和岸滩坡度之间的关系式,揭示了沙质岸滩剖面变化与红树林、海啸波水动力特性、泥沙颗粒、岸滩坡度之间的内在联系,为减小海啸灾害提供科学依据。Abstract: In recent years, frequent tsunami disasters have caused huge losses. Mangrove forests had significant effects to tsunami disaster mitigation. The laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the changes of cross-shore beach profiles by the tsunami waves under the influence of mangrove. The mangrove models were made of polyvinyl chloride circular tubes. The 1/10-1/20 composite slopes were constructed using the non cohesive sand. A series of solitary waves was selected as incident wave in the flume. The results show that the mangrove has great influence on the beach profile evolution. The tsunami scouring could significantly decrease as plant distribution density appropriate increase and distribution of plants optimizing. Based on the experimental data presented in this paper, an empirical relation was obtained to express the relationship between trend of beach erosion/deposition area, dimensionless maximum of deposition/erosion depths and vegetation distribution density and mode, dimensionless tsunami wave height, dimensionless specific weight parameter, beach slope etc. The study shows the internal connection of between sandy beach profile evolution and mangrove, hydrodynamics of tsunami wave, sediment and beach slope. The findings of this study have the potential to assist the tsunami disaster mitigation.