
Research on the flood for reservoirs engineering management

  • 摘要: 鉴于水库工程管理运用的重要性,提出管运洪水的新概念,并和设计洪水做了全面对比,指出二者异同。在此基础上提出了评判管运洪水是否合理的两个通用准则:条件合乎要求和防洪安全达标。将推求管运洪水的方法分为两大类:一类以分期内洪水最大值为依据,另一类以年最大值为依据。这两类方法本质不同,使用时各有优缺点。第一类方法的结果不完全符合现行标准的要求,而第二类方法的结果符合要求,但对资料条件要求较高。


    Abstract: The manage-flood, a new concept, is firstly proposed for reservoirs engineering management, and compared with the design-flood. The same and differences between the two kind floods have been analyzed in detail. Two standards for judging the rationality of the manage-flood has been proposed in this paper, one is about such conditions that are satisfied to some management demands, and the other is about flood control safety that is satisfied to the standards. This paper summarized two kinds of analysis methods about the manage-flood. One method is based on the maximum of seasonal flood, and the other based on the maximum of the annual flood. The two methods have respective advantages and disadvantages. The results of the former can't conform completely to the flood control standards while the former has lower requirements for observed data. The results of the later can conform the flood control standards but the later has higher requirements for observed data and no application experiences.


