
Analysis on the characteristic of interflow production processes on red soil slopes in the case of natural rainfall events

  • 摘要: 为研究红壤坡地的壤中流输出特征,采用野外大型土壤入渗装置,对红壤坡面草地和裸地不同深度(30 cm和60 cm)壤中流输出开展自然降雨-产流过程的观测试验。结果表明:① 壤中流产流过程随着土层的加深,滞后时间和拖尾时间均延长,与降雨过程相适性减弱。草地壤中流产流量、峰值、产流历时均大于裸地,其差异在突发型降雨下表现更为明显;② 壤中流产流量和降雨量呈显著性正相关(R2为0.6942~0.8770),但与雨强关系不明显。突发型和峰值型降雨壤中流产流过程洪峰升涨迅速,而均匀型壤中流产流过程平缓。突发型、峰值型和均匀型降雨裸地壤中流产流量与地表径流量相比分别为13.82%、91.73%和159.04%,草地则为118.95%、312.11%和368.33%;③ 土壤前期含水量增加,壤中流产流滞后时间缩短,峰值和流量增大。


    Abstract: Interflow output constitutes an important part of the hydrologic process of red soil slopes. In order to study interflow output characteristics on red soil slopes, a large-size field soil infiltration device (Lysimeter) was used to conduct a natural rainfall-interflow production observation experiment over grassland and bare land and at different depths (30cm, 60cm). The results indicated that: ① The retardation time and trailing time of the interflow production process both extended at deeper soil layers, where the compatibility with the rainfall process weakened. The interflow yield, peak value, and production duration of grassland were all larger than those of bare land, and their differences became more obvious under abrupt rainfalls. ② The interflow yield presented a significant positive correlation with the amount of rainfall (R2=0.694 2—0.877 0), but no apparent relationship with the intensity of rainfall. In the case of abrupt and extreme rainfalls, the interflow production process showed a rapid rise of flood peak, while in the case of uniform rainfall the interflow production process was relatively gentle. In the cases of abrupt, extreme, and uniform rainfall, the ratios of interflow yield to surface runoff of bare land were 13.82%, 91.73%, and 159.04%, respectively, while those of grassland were 118.95%, 312.11%, and 368.33%, respectively. ③ With the increasing antecedent soil moisture content, the retardation time of interflow production was shortened, and its peak value and flow increased.


